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Ирландия /  Limerick /  Sanjay, 49

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ID 255063
Типаж 180 см
82 кг
Карие глаза
Семейное положение Холост, детей нет
Образование Магистр
Работа Engineer
Желаемый возраст избранницы 21-33 лет
О себе Рыбы
Иногда курю
Выпиваю в компании с друзьями

I am Sanjay Francis George. I am a friendly person with a sense of humour and simple tastes. I have a morally conservative but politically liberal outlook towards life. I am fairly athletic, intellectual, financially stable, and cultured. I am from an academically accomplished, ecclesiastical and medical family (my extended family are all Post Graduate Medical Doctors).

I grew up as an Expat Indian in Sub-Saharan West Africa surrounded by East European neighbours. My childhood was spent visiting several countries. I learnt and forgot to play the guitar, violin and keyboards as a kid. An Engineer from a premier Indian college, I am presently working as a Consultant in the IT Services Industry where I have worked across diverse technologies in several different roles. I am from the town of Alappuzha/Alleppey. If you want to contact me look for SanjayFGeorge in hotmail and other major social networking sites. In the past I have had Business Visas to the UK and Philippines, besides work Visas to the United States and Malaysia. I have also worked in the New Delhi area for 3 years and Trivandrum for 9 years.

I am presently in Ireland for work but travel frequently to India to visit my parents and I want you to learn as much of Indian cooking from my mother as far as possible. I will take a final decision on future domicile after considering my options.

I am looking for someone who is somewhat adventurous, calm, kind, family oriented, a lovely person (both inside and outside) caring, straight-forward and someone who would like a large family. You must be compassionate and generous in spirit. You must be educated, not bigoted, not socialist, emotionally mature and drama free.

While not a parsimonious man, I appreciate a woman who is sensible in her spending habits. While I like a woman who dresses well, I’m definitely not looking for a fashionista either :-) ! Till now, I was not able to get married and start a family due to many personal and constraints. I hope you also can't wait to start our fairy tale.

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