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Выбор CuteOnly

Все мужчины /  51-80 лет /  Светлые шатены /  Карие глаза /  Нет детей /  Водолей /  Иногда /  Не пьет / 

Венгрия /  Kaposvar /  Attila, 51

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ID 282286
Типаж 171 см
73 кг
Карие глаза
Светлый шатен
Семейное положение Холост, детей нет
Желаемый возраст избранницы 27-35 лет
О себе Водолей
Иногда курю
Не пью

Where to start?
Ordered finances, your home and car.
I speak a little (for me) to English. Little Russian are spoken (even at school I learned).
Maintenance and administrators of my job.
I’m looking for a lady’s company, whom I can trust blindly. If you need to share the same way with him for better or worse. Those who understand and accept the way I am. And I must look him up. Working with then we can talk about all the problems and help resolve difficulties.
I like a lot of work in addition to the nature of the driving and everything that you can forget your daily worries. I’m not a sex addict, but my needs to be met. I am a partner in everything. I love it when someone is both natural inside. Based on the wait as the ladies from 27-40 years of application.

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