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Выбор CuteOnly

Все мужчины /  51-80 лет /  Светлые шатены /  Карие глаза /  Нет детей /  Овен /  Бакалавр /  Христианин /  Не курит /  Не пьет / 

США /  Lexington /  Scott, 62

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ID 32642
Типаж 173 см
104 кг
Карие глаза
Светлый шатен
Семейное положение Холост, детей нет
Образование Бакалавр
Работа Computer analyst
Желаемый возраст избранницы 18-44 лет
О себе Овен
Не курю
Не пью

Eventually, I would like to find a special someone. I enjoy physical fitness, working-out, cardio-vascular exercise and good nutrition. I am very much in to automobiles, a hobby of mine. My music taste is sometimes a wide-range. Guitar, music has interested me some in the past, and sometimes I practice singing. There is no limit on any future family size. I enjoy outdoors. I worked in a law office for a few years part time for a senior attorney friend, deceased now. Alumnus of University of Ky College of Engineering, Software Programming. Currently, I have a small business only, not related to my career training. Like to work on martial arts. Have taken flying lessons, and had a few sky-diving jumps. Would like to go to graduate school some more eventually. Do not really concern myself with politics.

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