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Марокко /  Casablanca /  Ismail, 38

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ID 378166
Типаж 173 см
61 кг
Карие глаза
Семейное положение Холост, детей нет
Образование Бакалавр
Работа Will tell you later
Желаемый возраст избранницы 18-33 лет
О себе Водолей
Не курю
Не пью

My name is ISMAIL from morocco. looking for my second half. it doesn't matter the distance. I'm simple. I like music. dancing. reading. I enjoy nature. I value the old values. but open to new things.
I also love swimming and cooking, watching movies/cinema.
What i want in my lover:
I like her to be simple. open-minded before everything. beautiful. welling to build a family. value the good things. willing to sacrifice time and effort to make our relationship the best story. just simple. likes fun laughing and trust her partner. I can meet you in person you come to visit me and discover my country or i will do the exact same. Ready to show that i want to settle down. and be happy with you. about life if love is strong. then we can face the struggles of life What matters to me is not overthinking about any man and judge the book by its cover. and please don't try to read us. and forget about the media's negative thoughts about the man in general. time is the only judge to know who's trusty from the fake one.
Thanks My Insta:

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