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США /  Riverside /  Micah, 34

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ID 382129
Типаж 190 см

Карие глаза
Светлый шатен
Семейное положение Холост, детей нет
Образование Средне-специальное
Работа It manager
Желаемый возраст избранницы 18-32 лет
О себе Рак
Не религиозен
Не курю
Выпиваю в компании с друзьями

I'm an honest, old fashioned, family oriented man. I'm driven in my career and life, and looking for someone to join in my lifestyle. I'm passionate about technology, but enjoy reading, a multitude of music genres, classic films, attending theater and visiting museums. When I want to get away, I go to the mountains or ocean. My life goals are to succeed in my career, raise a family, and leave the world better than I found it. I was raised Roman Catholic so I'm a bit more conservative with my values, but not judgemental of others so long as they don't impede me or my family. I am ambitious, strong willed, resourceful, and have an entrepreneur mindset. I own a Mid Century Modern house in Southern California, mid size truck, and enjoy the company of my pet cats when home. My vices include bad eating habits and not getting enough exercise. I only drink socially, don't smoke or partake in any drugs. Clean bill of health other than my weight. I would like to meet someone with similar tastes and lifestyle (no smoking, drugs, etc.). Someone who enjoys the simple things (a home cooked meal) and can appreciate the finer things when available (dressing up and going to a play/symphony). Someone family oriented is a must.

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