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США /  Huntington Beach /  Gregory, 56

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ID 388428
Типаж 173 см
93 кг
Карие глаза
Семейное положение Разведен, детей нет
Образование Бакалавр
Работа Unemployed/disabled severe dep
Желаемый возраст избранницы 21-55 лет
О себе Телец
Не курю
Не пью

Because of my disability, my financial situation is less than ideal. This will probably require you to travel here to California. I apologize greatly for the inconvenience. I love music, movies, documentaries. I have been asked many times where I would like to travel, I would love to go to a beach resort where the room is on the beach. I'm a calm and patient guy who is looking for a long term relationship based on love and respect. I have never hit or slapped anyone. I discuss things, not yell. I am here because Slavic women are attractive, yes, but their souls and spirits are so incredible.

I am looking for someone 21-55 years old for marriage.
I would like to find a woman who will treat me with respect. A woman who will love and care for me. I, of course, would have to deserve all of this. I would love physical contact like hugging, kissing, or snuggling. Making love of course and trying different things as long as both are comfortable, is desirable.

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