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США /  Angola /  Noah, 28

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ID 406309
Типаж 183 см
113 кг
Карие глаза
Светлый шатен
Семейное положение Холост, детей нет
Образование Среднее
Работа Nurse
Желаемый возраст избранницы 18-34 лет
О себе Стрелец
Регулярно курю
Выпиваю в компании с друзьями

Hello my name is Noah, I am easy going guy very family oriented , my hobbies are video games reading ,tv and a passing interests in politics.

I am seeking a charming women who I can brag to all my family about , I will adore you forever if you can cook remotely past my skills (grill mines :p) I would like to have children.

Tell me about your family, what you aim for out of life let's see how well we click

Now the perfect "women", When I come home from work and she "smiles' at the doorway and reminds me of the importance of a happy family, With the ability to fill our household ,With Warmth Joy, and kindness, Albeit perfect is the enemy of Good enough and I do know the difference :P.

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