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Великобритания /  Birmingham /  Joseph, 44

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ID 407009
Типаж 166 см
61 кг
Голубые глаза
Темный шатен
Семейное положение Холост, детей нет
Работа Quality
Желаемый возраст избранницы 30-46 лет
О себе Телец
Не курю
Выпиваю в компании с друзьями

Ciao a tutti, i think i can say I'm a good man with honest intentions my back ground or origin is Italian and English. My residency is the United Kingdom. I'm caring, honest, loyal, faithful and romantic and I'm hoping to meet a Slavic woman not English hence why i am here. I am fit, healthy, with a good sense of humour i prefer red wine to white and like golden sands. I would like to meet someone who would at some point like to start a family and live in either Italia or the UK or somewhere else preferably not in a city. I am only looking for a serious relationship someone i can share life with, make things happen together. Arrivederci. x

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