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Великобритания /  Coventry /  Jose, 44

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ID 407651
Типаж 166 см
63 кг
Голубые глаза
Темный шатен
Семейное положение Холост, детей нет
Образование Средне-специальное
Работа Logistic
Желаемый возраст избранницы 30-45 лет
О себе Телец
Не курю
Выпиваю в компании с друзьями

Ciao a tutti, i am a man with deep morals and values, i am single i have know idea why this has happened but it is what it is. So, i have no children, i am fit and healthy i believe in God, i like to have fun even at my age, i like golden sands and the smell of the sea i hate living in the city but sometimes we have to do things like work which means being near by. What am i looking for, well, someone that is against the War in Ukraine and Israel for i am a good man or least i try to be. I am attractive to women with dark hair and brown eyes, but saying this iv'e met blondes, with blue eyes that i have fallen for. A Woman that would like to start a family at some point. A good sense of humour goes a long way. My back ground is Italian & English

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