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Выбор CuteOnly

Все мужчины /  51-80 лет /  Блондины /  Зеленые глаза /  Двое детей /  Козерог /  Иногда / 

Люксембург /  Alain, 53

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ID 408771
Типаж 175 см
70 кг
Зеленые глаза
Семейное положение Разведен, двое детей
Работа Technician
Желаемый возраст избранницы 18-49 лет
О себе Козерог
Выпиваю в компании с друзьями

"I am looking for a woman who brightens the world with her warm charisma and smile. Her inner and outer beauty radiates a unique appeal. She is sensitive, caring and has a positive aura that inspires others. She is strong and independent, but also open to love and affection. Her passion for life and her dreams is contagious. I want a woman who laughs, cries, grows and lives life to the fullest with me."

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